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  • Christi Lynn Fit Instagrm
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  • Christi Lynn Fit Twitter

NASM Personal Trainer & Nutrition Coach,
Certified Pre & Postnatal Coach,

Online Health & Fitness Coach,
Nationally Certified Counselor


I help women lose fat and build muscle without sacrificing their favorite foods, social life or happiness through a flexible approach towards nutrition and fitness.


No more skipping date nights or events out with friends. No more anxiety about ordering out at a restaurant or going on vacation.


As your coach, my goal is to teach you how to break through challenges once and for all, ditch the yo-yo dieting cycles and finally feel freedom around food. My goal is to create lasting change and a healthy lifestyle that works best for YOU! No more "quick fixes" or "fad diets". I want you to reach your full potential and live your happiest and healthiest life through a sustainable approach to health and fitness.


Take a peak around this site and you'll find my coaching services,

the Barbell Lifestyle Podcast, more about my story and how to begin your journey into your best self.



Coach C

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HiI'm Christi!

  • Christi Lynn Fit Instagrm
  • Christi Lynn Fit Youtube
  • Christi Lynn Fit Facebook
  • Christi Lynn Fit Twitter


What do I do?

As your coach, I make things simple for YOU.

Losing weight doesn't have to suck. You don't have to suffer.


No more second guessing. No more confusion. I'll make it easy.


I base my coaching off of your body, your lifestyle, your preferences and your goals to find what works best for you.

I will help you break through unhealthy dieting cycles, create freedom around food and provide you with the knowledge, tools and confidence to become the best, healthiest version of you. For life!

Marble Surface

Full Nutrition & Fitness Client

I wouldn’t change anything about her coaching style! You can tell she is really thorough by the way she goes into great detail with questions and explanations. Christi sets an extremely high standard in the health and fitness industry with the professional and reciprocal coach/client relationship she has. She is professional but extremely friendly and relatable. I love the whole aspect of check-ins: the spreadsheets and app, the personable video check-ins and the timely responses! We value Christi so much and couldn’t ask for a more dedicated coach. I can't thank Christi enough for helping me get this far. I'll be with her for the long haul!

What my clients say

Full Nutrition & Fitness Client

Christi is an amazing coach. She puts her whole heart into coaching and she was just what I needed when I started to work with her. Throughout our time together I never felt alone or unsure of what to do. Each week she answered all of my questions and explained her protocols and reasonings in depth. You can tell she really cares about her clients. Honestly each week felt like I was checking in with a friend. Her coaching is so much more in depth than just giving you macros and a workout plan to follow on your own. I came to her doing an insane amount of cardio and my macros were low. I've been able to increase my macros, reduce my cardio, lose weight, gain muscle, boost my confidence and have a better understanding of the whole process. I am beyond grateful for her!

I stopped caring about the number on the scale, which is something I honestly could never say before. Christi has completely changed my mindset around food and eating. Before working with her I felt like I was just running on a hamster wheel trying to figure out how much to eat. Now I'm eating so much food and it's literally the best I've ever felt and looked in my entire life. I've had so many people come up to me in the gym and tell me that they can tell I'm working hard and complement my body. I am feeling so much more confident in my own skin! I'm so happy I made the decision to work with her!

Full Nutrition & Fitness Client

Connect With Me

My journey started on Instagram, where I created a little anonymous page focused on keeping myself more accountable with my health and fitness journey. Eventually I found the courage to share more of my life with others. I continue to use all my social media platforms to document my fitness journey, food adventures and memories, in hopes of inspiring others to become their best self and find their own passions in life.I am so fortunate to have the platforms that I do that enable me to connect with people from all over. So I invite you to share along in our journeys together!

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